This is a great tutorial for a St. Patrick’s Day Leprechaun Hat Craft! It is quick and easy! Everyone can celebrate Irish heritage with a fun and simple DIY, featuring one of Ireland’s most famous creatures of folklore. Create your cute little Leprechaun hats and leave them around your house to welcome St. Patrick’s Day! All you need are a few supplies and the crafting spirit!
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List of supplies for your St. Patrick’s Day Leprechaun Hat Craft, and where to find them:
- Mini clay flower pots –
- Green acrylic paint –
- Black ribbon –
- Paint brushes –
- Gold cardstock – Leprechauns love the shiny things! –
- Scissors –
- Hot glue gun –

Step one: Painting our green hat!
This is a pretty simple step, but is always the most fun. Use your acrylic paint to paint your clay pot. I used Red Barrel’s Spring Green and 2″ wide clay pots. I love acrylic paint so much. One reason being because it dries so so fast! Clay is very porous, so that helps with the dry time too. Let your first coat dry and apply a second coat if you feel you’d like. Allow your pots a few moments to dry.

Step two: How much ribbon do you need for your St. Patrick’s Day Leprechaun Hat Craft?
This ribbon is 1/2 an inch wide. This width looks really great on a 2″ pot. You are absolutely welcome to alter your sizes!
Wrap the ribbon all the way around the leprechaun hat to see how long you need your ribbon to be cut. Snip off your piece.

Let your hot glue gun warm up and secure the ribbon onto the hat by adding a little bit of glue, then gluing one end of the ribbon. Wrap the ribbon all the way around the leprechaun hat and add a little more glue to secure the other end of the ribbon. Let it cool.

Step three: Creating a little bitty belt buckle for our little bitty hat
Grab your shiny gold card stock and get your scissors handy. We’ll cut a little square out of the card stock, big enough to be a buckle for your ribbon. The belt buckler shown here is about 1″x1″. After you’ve cut out your little square, cut a square hole out of the inside of your buckle.

With your glue gun, secure the leprechaun hat’s buckle on to the hat. It should look similar to the photo, so the hole of the buckle is over your ribbon.

Step four: What to do with your Leprechaun hats?!
You’ve finished creating a really great St. Patrick’s Day Leprechaun Hat Craft! Leave them around your home to let the magic of Irish folklore in to your dwelling. Welcome little leprechauns with bright green hats and shiny gold buckles! Give them as gifts this spring! Mostly, enjoy your art time. Creativity is so important.

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